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FFA Greenhouse Selling Plants

May 07, 2020

Need a Mother's Day present?

The W-P FFA Greenhouse has beautiful vegetables and flowers for sale!

The greenhouse will not be open to the public. The PLANT SELECTION FORM is attached.

HERE'S HOW YOU CAN ORDER PLANTS: Email rgaston@wpbroncos.net or thayes@wpbroncos.net OR send us a personal message via Facebook OR call Mr. Gaston at the high school, 394-5700 between 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.

We will take your order and set a pick-up time for you. Our pickup times are 8:00 am, 12 noon, and 4 pm. We do ask that you pick up orders within a couple of days. Please pay by check or exact amount.

Thank you for your continual support!
