JH Track in Arapahoe Postponed
Apr 15, 2024
The JH track meet scheduled for 4/16 in Arapahoe has been moved to Friday 4/19 due to the current weather forecast. All of the times remain the same as originally scheduled.
Apr 15, 2024
The JH track meet scheduled for 4/16 in Arapahoe has been moved to Friday 4/19 due to the current weather forecast. All of the times remain the same as originally scheduled.
May 1, 2022
The WP Junior High Track meet has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at the WP track in Wauneta. Participating schools: Cheylin, Hitchcock County, Maywood/Hayes Center, McCook St. Patrick's, Rawlins County, and Wauneta-Palisade. Field Events: 4 attemps in shot, discus, long and triple jump; no finals. Pole vault weight cards will be needed. 4 kg shot for both boys and girls. Running Events: All will be finals only. Particpants: May enter 4 events. . . .
Apr 11, 2022
The JH track meet scheduled for Wednesday 4/13/22 at Hitchcock County has been now been canceled.
Apr 6, 2022
The Junior High Track Meet at Dundy County-Stratton on Thursday, April 7 has been postponed due to the expected weather conditions.. A makeup date will be announced later.
May 7, 2021
Even though we are excited at the thought of rain we are NOT excited to have a meet in it. The Junior High RPAC West Track meet that was supposed to be held MONDAY 5/10/21 has been moved to THURSDAY May 13th at the same time.
May 3, 2021
Here is the updated schedule for the WP JH Track Meet, to be held on Wednesday, 5/5/21, at the track in Wauneta. The meet will start with a scratch/add meeting for coaches at 9MT. A 4x800 relay will be run at 9:40MT, and all field events will commence at 10MT. At approximately 12 noon MT or at the conclusion of field events, running events will start. Updated W-P JH Schedule of events
Apr 23, 2019
Wauneta-Palisade Junior High Track and Field Invitational will be held on Monday, April 29, 2019 at Wauneta-Palisade High School Track in Wauneta. PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Cheylin, Hitchcock County, Maywood/Hayes Center McCook St. Pat’s, Rawlins County, Wauneta-Palisade SCRATCH/ADD MEETING: 8:45 MT/9:45 CT behind the crow’s nest FIELD EVENTS: 4 attempts in shot, discus, long jump and triple jump, no finals Pole Vault Weight Cards will be needed . . .
Apr 5, 2019
DATE: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 EVENT: Hitchcock County Junior High Track Invitational PLACE: Hitchcock County High School Track in Trenton SCHEDULE: 9:40 am CDT 3200 M Relay, 10:00 am Field Events, Running to Follow at Approximately 12:00 pm TEAMS: Hitchcock County, McCook St. Pats, Medicine Valley, Maywood-Hayes Center, Southwest, and Wauneta-Palisade HURDLES: Girls 100 M and 200 M Hurdles are 30” and Boys 100 M and 200 M Hurdles are 33”. AWARDS: 1st-6th place ribbons . . .
Mar 27, 2019
The 2019 Dundy County Stratton Junior High Track Meet will be held on Thursday, April 4th, 2019. The meet is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. MT/10:00CT. Teams invited are Chase County, Cheylin, Hayes Center, Hitchcock County, McCook St. Pats, Southwest, and Wauneta-Palisade. There will be no team scores. No plaques will be given. Ribbons will be awarded to 1st through 8th place in each event, including relays. The meet will be composed of four divisions: 7th grade . . .
Apr 23, 2018
WP Schools will host the 2018 WP Junior High Track and Field Invitational on Monday, April 30, 2018 at the Hitchcock County track in Trenton, NE. Cheylin, Hitchcock County, Maywood/Hayes Center, McCook St. Pat’s, Rawlins County, and Wauneta-Palisade will be the participating schools. In the field events there will be four attempts in shot, discus, long jump and triple jump with no finals. A 4 kg shot will be used for boys and girls. Pole Vault Weight Cards will be needed. All running events are finals; . . .
Apr 3, 2018
On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 the WP Junior High Track team will participate in the Hitchcock County School Track Invite in Trenton. At 10:00 AM CST, Field Events will begin, followed at 12:00 PM CST by Running Events. Teams participating are Hayes Center/Maywood, Hitchcock County, Medicine Valley, McCook St. Pats, Southwest, and Wauneta-Palisade. All track events are final. All field events will be four attempts. A schedule of events for the day can be downloaded here.
Mar 27, 2018
Wauneta-Palisade Junior High will compete at the Arapahoe Public School Junior High track meet, held on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. F ield events start at 2:00 CT and the running events at 3:15 CT (when field events are completed). Ribbons will be given for the top 6 placers in each event. There will be no prelims; all of the events will be run against time/distance. Field Events each get three attempts. The following schools will be participating: Arapahoe, Cambridge, Dundy County-Stratton, . . .
Mar 26, 2018
Starting at 9:00MT, the WP Junior High Track team commences their 2018 season at the DCS Invite on April 5, 2018. The schedule of events for the day is available here.
May 2, 2017
The WP Junior High tracksters will run, jump, and throw at the RPAC West Invite held at Dundy County-Stratton on Monday, May 8, 2017. The meet begins at 9MT. Click for the day's schedule of events.
Apr 6, 2017
WP Junior High will attend the Arapahoe Invite on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Field events start at 2CT and running events start at 3:15 CT. All running events will be finals against time. Arapahoe, Cambridge, Dundy County-Stratton, Wauneta-Palisade, Medicine Valley, Southwest and Southern Valley will all be in attendance. Click for the day's schedule of events .
Apr 6, 2017
The WP Junior High Track team competes at Dundy County-Stratton's invite on Thursday, April 6 to start the 2017 season. The meet starts at 9:00MT. The schedule of events for the day is available at the link.
Apr 6, 2017
The WP Junior High Track team will compete at the Hitchcock County Invite on Wednesday April 12. The meet starts at 9:40 CT with the 4x800 relay and at 10:00 CT with other field events. Click for the day's schedule of events .
Sep 21, 2016
2017 JH Track Schedule Day Date Time MT/CT Meet Location Thursday 4/7/2016 9:00 MT/10:00 CT Dundy County-Stratton Invite Benkelman Wednesday 4/13/2016 8:00 MT/9:00 CT Hitchcock County Invite Trenton Thursday 4/28/2016 8:00 MT/9:00 CT Chase County Invite Imperial Monday 5/2/2016 9:30 MT/10:30 CT . . .
May 10, 2016
The WP girls and boys junior high track teams both earned runner up status at the RPAC junior high meet yesterday! Way to go, Broncos! Results from the meet are available here: RPAC JH Meet Results.
May 4, 2016
On Monday, May 2, Wauneta-Palisade hosted their annual Junior High Track Meet at Hitchcock County's new track in Trenton. The Broncos swept the meet titles, winning the girls side by 24 points and the boys side by 22. The Broncos brought home tons of ribbons in multiple events. The complete list of results is available here (girls) and here (boys). Way to go, Broncos!
Apr 28, 2016
The 2016 Junior High RPAC track meet is set for Monday, May 9, 2016 at the track in Benkelman. Field events start at 9MT, and prelims for running events will start at 11:30MT. Finals for running events will start after a 30 minute break after the last prelims are finished. A schedule of events for the day is available here .
Apr 22, 2016
The Wauneta-Palisade Junior High tracksters will compete at the Chase County Track Invitational on Thursday, April 28. The bus leaves the school in Wauneta at 7:40, as soon as the shuttle bus from Palisade arrives. Field events begin at 9MT, the 1600 meter run begins at 10:30MT, and all other running events begin at 11:30MT. Field events are three attempts, no finals, and running events are all finals. A schedule of events is available here .
Apr 20, 2016
On May 2, Wauneta-Palisade will host their annual Junior High Track Meet at the new Hitchcock County Track in Trenton. The bus leaves the school in Wauneta at 7:30MT, and will pick up athletes in Palisade. Cheylin, Hayes Center, Hitchcock County, McCook St. Pat's and Wauneta-Palisade will all participate in the meet. Field events start at 9:30MT, and track events will start at 12MT. All running events will be finals, and all field events will be four attempts, no finals. An UPDATED schedule of events can be found . . .
Apr 8, 2016
Congrats to the Wauneta-Palisade Broncos on a great start to their 2016 track season. The Broncos ran, jumped and threw at Dundy County-Stratton's Invite on Thursday, April 7. There were some great performances on the day, including Devin Carl's winning throw of 80'4" in the 7th grade discus, Devin's second place throw of 30'4" in the 7th grade shot put, Zoey Boos double wins in the 7th grade 800 (3:03) and 1200 (4:47), Haylee Davis's 2nd place in the 200M hurdles, Haylee Davis and Haylee Sandman going . . .
Apr 7, 2016
The Hitchcock County JH Track Invite will be hosted at the new track in Trenton on Wednesday, April 13. The scratch and add meeting will start at 8 :30MT, the field events will start at 9 :00MT, and the ru nning events will start around 11:00MT . Hitchcock County will be running this meet according to the standards of the Nebraska JH Championship meet which is held in Gothenburg each year. This means there will also be a 4 X 800 relay which will run at 8 :40MT before the start of the field events. . . .
Apr 1, 2016
Dundy County-Stratton is hosting a Junior High Track Meet on Thursday, April 7. The first events start at 9am MT. A schedule of events is available at this link. .
May 4, 2015
The WP JH Track team will run at the RPAC Invite in Benkelman on Monday, May 11. A schedule of events is available: JH RPAC Track Schedule
Apr 26, 2015
The Wauneta-Palisade Broncos will host a junior high track meet in Benkelman on Monday, May 4. A schedule of events for the day is available here: WP JH Track Schedule
Apr 13, 2015
The WP Junior High Track team competes in the Hitchcock County Track Invitational in Benkelman on Wednesday, April 15. The bus leaves Palisade at 7:50 CT and will pick up student-athletes in Wauneta at 7:10 MT. A schedule of the day's events is available at the link below: Hitchcock County JH Track Meet Schedule
Apr 2, 2015
The WP JH track teams will compete at Dundy County-Stratton on April 9. The bus will leave Palisade at 8:10 CT and pick up athletes in Wauneta at 7:30 MT. Events start at 9 am MT, as field events for the girls and running events for the boys. The afternoon schedule is a flip-flop of that, starting at 12:00 MT. A full listing of the days events can be found at the following link: DCS Meet Schedule
Dec 17, 2014
Thursday April 9 @ Dundy County-Stratton, 9:00am mt/10:00am ct Wednesday April 15 @ Hitchcock County Invite, 8:00am mt/9:00am ct Thursday April 30 @ Chase County, 9:00am mt/10:00am ct Monday May 4 @ Wauneta-Palisade Invite in Benkelman, 9:30am mt/10:30am ct Monday May 11 @ RPAC in Benkelman, TBA